

stories is an architecturally stacked durational performance of bodies as archives. Viewed from ground level, each artist has a window as their stage and over the course of the evening weaves the platforms between forming a tall collective body. Choreographically stories queers the stairwell as a space for considering—provoking internal time, rhythm, and polyrhythm as activators for tracing intra-narratives.

performance | Humber Lakeshore Campus, Tkarón:to (Toronto, CA)

stories featured performances by Parastoo Amanzadeh, Jessica Ford, Kaelin Isserlin, Miambi Kassé, wearable design by Angela Cabrera, and choregraphic direction by Lauren Runions.

photographs 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 by Colin Medley, photographs 3, 5, 6 by Nuit Blanche