Pillars Piece


Pillars Piece reminds us of what used to live in this (now demolished) underused environment downtown Toronto. 14 dancers circle, skip, run, and draw their hands over tiny pieces of historic off-ramp supports that represent the possibility and removal of a highway.

 15 minute performance | Queen’s Quay and York St, Toronto ON

Quoted from NOW’s piece: “The pillars are Toronto’s best accidental public art project,” says Daniel Rotsztain over the phone. “Heritage is often [viewed] as the deep past, but it’s the way we inhabit space and respect what came before us. Pillars Piece features Katie Allen, Cassandra Bowerman, allie higgins, sarah koekkoek, Camille Rojas, Maxine Rose Adjeleian, Zoe Thomson, Mary Patsiatzis, Phoebe Pearl, Marlowe Porter, Yui Ugai, Jamee Valin, Oriah Wiersma, and Shelby Wright.

Pillars Picnic, organized by Daniel Rotsztain, was a peaceful protest to keep the pillars in the new park design and featured many local visual and sonic artists.

colour photography by Colin Medley, black and white by Noah Siegel