MEANDER is a sensuous geography directing you through inquiry and reflection. This double spiral labyrinth is an uninterrupted shell for (the illusion of) isolation. The labyrinth is built with circular design practices in mind: second hand snow fencing is used for the walls; second hand fabrics and discarded fishing ropes supplied by the Scotian Shores beach clean-up team are woven into the walls.

textile installation with used snow fence, reclaimed fabric and rope | Macros Series, Eastern Front Theatre, Kjipuktuk (Halifax, CA)

MEANDER is a collaboration with artist Marite Kuus. It was originally presented at Eastern Front Theatre in Dartmouth, NS, later at Nocturne in Halifax, NS in 2023 in collaboration with sound artist Lou Campbell, and most recently in Radiant Rural Halls by this town is small in Georgetown, PE.

photographs 1-5 by Greg Ellison
photographs 6, 7 by Eastern Front Theatre
photographs 8-10 by Mayur Kakreli