in closing

In processing the events of the past year I’ve unearthed how art-making is about attending to process; letting the folds open up, allowing the self to be with what is present, concerning and affective in nature and respond with creative and care-full intentions.

My body has fled, felt and embodied so much. Those experiences will never reach language, and for that, the tenderness and possibility of dance presents itself. And this is what I will carry forward; practicing an art of everyday through movement and thought.

I recently learned the word Inose—an Indigenous word to Turtle Island (Canada)—meaning to walk in a certain way, to a certain place. In a sense, Inose describes a poetic framework for many practices or ways of life. Like the labyrinth, when you pause along the course, with a new facing a new perspective meets the senses; a being-with; a participation embedded inwards and outwards all at once.